A look back into continual customer discovery and how small progressive
product updates increase sales and improve customer experience over years.
Not your average case study.
The story of Theseus’ tells us of an incredible voyage. After sailing all around the world, the ship was preserved as memorial. As the wood began deteriorating, each worn-out plank of his ship was replaced. Soon, every single piece of the ship had been swapped out. This begs the question: Is the ship still the same ship?
After years of working on CarMax’s search page, I found myself asking this same question and invite you to see how it is both the same product and entirely different all at once.
Before & After
June 2019
September 2023
Not your average product team.
So much about the Search page looks the same as when I began, but what’s not captured in the quick screenshots are the hours of research, dozens of experiments, and moments of teamwork along the way. I did this work with an incredible team of engineers, product managers, analysts & stakeholders. The passion of this community fueled our work and I would be remiss if I didn’t highlight the faces of those that contributed to the success of Search while I was on it.
Continual Discovery
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